Rising Shuttle
Ballunar Liftoff Festival
August 2000

This year I crewed the Space Shuttle balloon,
which is actually 30% larger than the actual space shuttle.
And a little more work than the Uniroyal tire balloon.
But tons of fun!

While the Uniroyal balloon
is large, it is still round,
unlike the shaped
shuttle balloon.


It looks like a beast
during inflation,
slowly coming to life.

First the cold air, then the hot air.



Shuttle rising … Ready for flight.



Most of the air is allowed to flow out while we spread out the envelope.


Mass Ascension continues over JSC Rocket Park.


and we begin rolling, stuffing, and packing to get ready for the glow later in the evening.


The winds have welcomed you with softness
The sun has blessed you with its warm hands
You have flown so high and so well
That God has joined you in your laughter
And set you gently back into the loving arms
of Mother Earth.

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Susan N. Freeman
Personal E-mail: snf@susannataliefreeman.com
Work Email: susan.n.freeman@boeing.com